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My Therapy Journal-bookcover

By: Neva Shebini

My Therapy Journal

Pages: 238 Ratings:
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Are you on a journey of wellbeing and would like to be more organized? Have you ever seen your therapist, doctor or wellbeing provider and forgot completely what was said? Did you forget what the suggested plan was? If so, do not worry, help is at hand. Forgetting what was discussed is a common experience shared by many and is often from stress, anxiety, lack of sleep or reduced memory retention. My Therapy Journal is especially designed for anyone who is on a journey of healing. It is a cleverly designed, practical and mindful tool that can be used to keep a log of therapy sessions, whether they are medical, psychological or holistic. They can also be used in conjunction with other activities such as yoga classes, mindfulness trainings, health retreats and online wellbeing webinars and courses. My Therapy Journal has an easy-to-follow format and can be filled in during your session with your practitioner, or after your session in your own time. It is designed as a memory aid and facilitates wellbeing and mindfulness through areas for reflection, planning, wellbeing activities and gratitude. My Therapy Journal also has a selection of beautiful hand-drawn illustrations for mindful coloring and a Doodle Corner for free-hand drawings.
Dr Neva Shebini is a British Australian Psychiatrist who lives and works in Cairns, Australia. She works in private practice and treats an array of general adult conditions, including addictive disorders, both in the outpatient and inpatient setting. She is most interested in helping people who suffer with psychological trauma stemming from childhood events, experiences across the lifespan and also military trauma. A large focus of her work is on the stabilisation of clients before they undergo trauma therapy. She is experienced in using EMDR therapy (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) for the treatment of traumatic memory in PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). She has designed this beautiful journal in order to help others to keep a log of what they discussed or learned with their wellbeing provider, in a mindful and reflective way.
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