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Poppy and the Op Shop Fairy-bookcover

By: Rosemary May Davison

Poppy and the Op Shop Fairy

Pages: 28 Ratings:
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Poppy finds a fairy in the op shop where her mum works. The fairy knows Poppy's name! She has a broken wing, which clever Poppy soon fixes, but the fairy has forgotten how to fly. Poppy thinks of different ways to help her remember, sending her off on flying adventures, carefully remembering to attach a return address label in case she gets lost. But each time, the fairy is returned in the post--still unable to fly. Or can she? This is a story about the secret life of fairies, about solving problems and about the excitement of getting your own parcel delivered. But mostly, it is a story about friendship and the fun Poppy and the fairy have together.
Rosemary grew up in Glenroy, a northern suburb of Melbourne, the fifth of six children. She studied at Melbourne University and RMIT and worked as a librarian, usually with children, until a diagnosis of MS eventually led to early retirement. She now lives in a unit with her tabby cat, Jenny, still sending birthday books by mail to her many, now second generation, nephews and nieces.
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