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The Warriors Twelve-bookcover

By: Jeanine AuVache

The Warriors Twelve

Pages: 36 Ratings: 5.0
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The Warriors Twelve are back with more, continuing on from where we left off before.

You already met Moo and Wotalot in book one. Now it is time for you to meet Mum.

‘Trojan’ Wotalot’s pet staffy makes his appearance, Wotalot’s friends discuss ‘The School In The Distance’.

Rumours begin to surface as rumours often do, Wotalot wonders if any of these stories are true.

Mum is busy with all kinds of things; she has organised a get together to see what it brings.

Wotalot speaks of thoughts that pass through his mind, Moo enjoys these conversations at any time.

As always, there is music woven into the plot, it goes without saying, it goes with ‘The Lot’.

Which warrior do you relate to? You are one without a doubt. Do you see yourself in all of them? In time you will figure it out.

Born in Essex, this author knew at a young age that she had returned to a future time. Her love for the woods and magic "inside" was alive once more. She knew her mission was to find the family who understood what she saw and heard in her mind. Her purpose was to UNLOCK CAGES and HEARTS. Over time it became apparent that she was alone in the woods and music became her faithful companion. One day her world was to turn WRITE side UP. Her wish is that her stories reach others who may be wandering and wondering "out there".
Customer Reviews
2 reviews
2 reviews
  • Marisa Giannone

    I absolutely loved this book. The illustrations are beautiful and the stories are charming. The book is full of positive and uplifting messages and spiritual concepts which are relevant for children and adults alike and it's release couldn't be more timely, with what is happening in society and the world today. Among many other things, it teaches about love, kindness and compassion and most importantly, that it is okay to be you and to follow your dreams and passions. Imagine growing up with the knowledge that you are a powerful spiritual being connected to the universe and all that is, and that you have unlimited potential. Imagine having these things instilled in you as a child. I believe that this book should be essential reading in all schools.

  • Anne Truscott


    What a gem of a book. Essential reading for young and old.

    In a world where children (and adults) are daunted by world events beyond their control, faced with uncertainty about self-identity and self-worth, this book demonstrates that we all have within us, by following our dreams, the ability to become who we are born to be.

    If we can demonstrate to our children from an early age that they are more than just flesh and blood, that their individual spirit and their place in the universe is valued, their growth potential is unbounded.

    This feel-good book teaches us that we are all inter-connected spiritual beings, that we are one “human family”. By being kind and compassionate to not only friends and family but neighbours and strangers alike, by unconditionally accepting the differences in others, the universal effect of that combined understanding is LOVE.

    To be valued and loved is everyone’s desire.

    Unlock the secret! This book is a lesson in learning for everyone. Pass it on to others and spread the message.

    I cannot wait for the next chapter.

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