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Verdict Unknown... The Sequel-bookcover

By: Gordon S. Dickson

Verdict Unknown... The Sequel

Pages: 142 Ratings:
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Following the murder of Albert Noel Parke’s first wife and the eventual jailing of the perpetrator, Welshman William Jones, the local police in Cornwall begin to suspect Parke himself. A Detective Inspector in the London Metropolitan Police, known as ‘Bobby’ to his friends, he is accused of framing Jones for arranging the death of his second wife. Jones was convicted, but Detective Sergeant Arnold Baxter of the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary is determined to uncover the truth.


Gordon S. Dickson was born near Inverness, Scotland, but left there at a young age when the family moved back to Northern Ireland. He was educated at Secondary and Grammar schools and scraped through English ‘O’ levels, as ‘essay writing’ was not a strong point. He was employed in the Civil Service for a number of years but is now retired and has only recently taken up writing. Verdict Unknown is his first novel. He enjoys reading historical novels, gardening and going to the gym, occasionally, and to the cinema.

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