‘The Adventures of Ben Bear’ Featured in the “Queensland Times”

‘The Adventures of Ben Bear’ Featured in the “Queensland Times”

Lesley Fentiman’s children book The Adventures of Ben Bear’ got featured in Kids section of ‘Queensland Times’. Three copies of the book were announced to be given away as the prize of an entry based contest. The feature gave a brief synopsis of the book and the cover image.

The book is the story of Ben the teddy bear who travels to six different places with his owner Louise. They travel to three places within Australia and three overseas. In all of the six places, Ben either gets lost or kidnapped but each time Louise retrieves him successfully. Two friends are happy upon reunion. The book is an entertaining read about adventures and the things that could happen in most imaginative ways.

Australian born author spent most of her academic years of life in Wollongong, a beautiful coastal city located on South of Sydney. She earned a university degree in Bachelor of Education and started her professional career as a primary school teacher. She taught for more than four decades and gained extensive experience regarding young minds. She has travelled to many places in Australia and around the world. She has been happily married to Brent for past forty-three years. Reading and photography are her hobbies.