EJ Goldberg-Phillips Gets Featured by Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald

EJ Goldberg-Phillips Gets Featured by Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald

E J Goldberg-Phillips, the author of No One Will Hear You Scream, gets featured by Darren Gibson on Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald website. The author talks about his latest crime-thriller book and how the ongoing pandemic helped him find success. His first novel, Achilles Heel – Your Stalker Solution, is already available online and in stores. Read the complete feature here.


No One Will Hear You Scream is an adult crime-thriller book about Ruby Latimer, a best-selling author who finds it hard to write a suitable ending for her novel. To find a successful conclusion, she may need to take drastic steps. This novel contains part of Ruby Latimer’s book. You can reasonably call it the ‘book within the book’, but once you start reading it, you’ll get completely hooked, and it will keep you guessing till the end.


E J Goldberg-Phillips was born in Australia and has gained decades of writing and life experiences. He uses his imagination and memories to write out-of-the-box, often sinister, stories to spark up the reader’s interest.