Joan Whitehead’s book ‘Not Green’ featured in Albany Advertisers

Joan Whitehead’s book ‘Not Green’ featured in Albany Advertisers

An article about ‘Not Green’ by Joan Whitehead was featured in Albany Advertisers. While talking to the Newspaper Whitehead said that the story is centered on the adventures of a frog called chimp who falls into some paint, and is told that he has to do three good deeds to get back to his normal color.

 She added that “This is first in a series of three books with the same character and I look forward to seeing them all published in the coming years”

‘Not Green’ is aimed at two to six-year-olds, the tale will teach children that they can attain good things in life if they perform good and selfless deeds.

The author Joan Whitehead was born and raised in a small English village, she has been drawing and painting from an early age. Joan now lives in Western Australia, where she runs her own private art gallery, selling a variety of media. She has always enjoyed writing and illustrating children’s picture books and is most delighted about this book series.