This story centers on an Australian Elon Musk-type character who drives the narrative. Follow the fortunes of Nicole, an ex-RAAF Elec Fitter turned Aerospace Engineer, as she is recruited by Aaron Daniels, the CEO of CosmoTechs, to work on his star craft.Set in Queensland, the story parallels contemporary space exploration. Join Nicole and Aaron as they navigate the uncertain world of space exploration, balancing cutting-edge technology with age-old Indigenous land rights. Nicole is an engineer, not a negotiator – how can she secure a win-win deal while ensuring Elim15 works for CosmoTechs?Experience the ups and downs of the burgeoning Australian space industry through close calls and skillful maneuvers. This story elevates sleepy Cooktown to international prominence, culminating in an unexpected rescue mission, moon landings, and treacherous cis-lunar voyages back to Earth orbit.
Born in Italy, Enzo Silvestri and his family moved to Australia when he was two. At 15, he joined the RAAF Apprenticeship Scheme and started an apprenticeship in electrical fitting. On his discharge from the RAAF, he travelled widely and acquired an affinity for storytelling. While studying, he tried his hand at writing a high fantasy novel after reading Tolkein. He then taught in the United States and published novels in various genres, including young adult sci-fi. Enzo took an early interest in Elon Musk and Space X and he has closely followed developments in space exploration, by subscribing to many YouTube space channels.
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