This is the world. This is our world. This is my world. My world is not fair. My world is cruel. My world is indifferent to all that inhabit it. In my world, life is cheap. In my world, evil excels. In my world, the good are condemned, while the bad proliferate. There are many people who inhabit my world. To the east, there is the fascist ‘paradise’ of Antrioch. There, women dominate all. There, the leader decides what is right and what is wrong. There, humanity is unaffordable. To the west, there is the democratic country of Allia. There, they think they’re free.
Are they really free, though? It’s a funny thing, freedom. It’s often when we believe that we possess it that it’s furthest from our reach. To the north, there is my home, the socialist utopia of Spidred. Here, there is little to do but think and freeze. Often that is the best strategy for survival. Is it enough to consider? Or must we act in consideration? That’s what’s left to contemplate in this part of the world. Technology has supposedly freed us.
Are we truly advanced? Or are we merely tomorrow’s obsolescence? Sometimes I wonder. Will this world thrive? Will it move forward to a better future? Or is it doomed to destitution? I do not know, but, I’m sure that I will have fun finding out.