In that turmoil of the mind and the spirit, I felt that I could add another drop of water in the sea and make waves, by giving voice to those people who, seeing their past in perspective, had extraordinary experiences or emotions to share.
My sketchbook became a journal and my laptop a window through which, confined in an artist studio in Madrid, I could reach the outer world. I interviewed and sketched people from many different countries through videoconference, and when travelling was permitted, I did it from life. Eventually, I wrote each of their stories and shared them.
In order to counterbalance the bombarding negativity of the media, I felt that art needed to reach out and create hope. I wanted to make people feel listened to, to share their stories and portraits on social media to inspire reflection, empathy and growth. Humanity had never been so united before, it was a time to re-think our values system, and art needed to take action.