Do you want to raise your grades? Is your lack of proofreading skills affecting the quality of your work? Have you seen the charge per 1000 words of a professional proofreader? Are you unsure of the difference between a colon and a semicolon? Can you never remember which there/their/they’re to use or when you should use ‘practise’ or ‘practice’? Do you regularly find you have exceeded your word count but are not sure how you can prune it? Do you need help writing in a more academic style?
If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, this book is definitely for you! It should turn you into a wizard at proofreading, grammar and punctuation, full stop. (Pardon the pun!)
Students who have used Clare’s book have invariably raised their grades and greatly improved their punctuation and grammar, not to mention their vocabulary, their ability to proofread their own work, and their overall confidence in academic writing. This guide aims to bring quality, grammatical accuracy and a degree of finesse to your work.