This book defends the existence of God, but not the God described in the Bible. First, it discusses two serious errors in the Bible. The first is that God made Adam first and then later made Eve. What science proves is that the template for the human body is without doubt female. Men are only modified women. The other serious error in Genesis is that God wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of the sin of homosexuality. Read the evidence that homosexuality is genetic or epigenetic and hence created by God.
The book shows that if you want to be an atheist, you have to believe that: 1. All of the matter in the Universe came from nothing. 2. That, there must be an infinite number of Universes. 3. That, in a Universe where entropy (a measure of disorganization) rules, the dirt of the Earth self-organized into the most complex structure in the known Universe, your body. A hint about the incredible complexity of the human body is given in the book.
Because a subatomic particle changes its behaviour based on whether it is being observed or not, Pantheism is the possible nature of God. The author is a big fan of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, but because the God that created the amazing Universe we live in and then humanity would not require blood to be spilled to appease the disobedience of a primitive man, it is unlikely that Jesus was God.