The goings on in two separate northern communities, linked by a New Years Eve tragedy in Ulverston, remain loosely connected throughout 1960 and follow the rich tapestry of life.
The great womaniser Commander RN (Rtd) Rupert Isherwood is eventually brought to face five females who prove to be his downfall and his life is changed for ever but can he accept it?
Workington solicitor and band conductor George Shaw together with photographer Fergus Morris discover the route that pornography can take when it all goes wrong.
Roa Island couple Justin Ebberson and Jean Baxter share each other in a loving and dedicated way but their trials and tribulations spanning a couple of years don’t end in bliss.
Divorcees Gloria and John Seeton formulate new lives with sexual interludes some of which link Workington and Ulverston in unexpected ways.
Life’s tapestry certainly involves a multitude of stories full of intrigue.