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The Long Road to Freedom-bookcover

By: T.J. Humphries

The Long Road to Freedom

Pages: 82 Ratings: 5.0
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People in my position must often ask themselves what the answer is? How did I get here? At what cost?

And how did I finally come out on the other side, into a world where the grass is green and smells fresh. And where life is worth living and relishing for every last facet of its existence - a place where utopia can exist for the simplest of men.

It is ironic that what finally triggered my debut book was being handed the psychiatric report on our youngest daughter’s suicide.

People always say that inside every good journalist is a book, and I always joked that that ruled me out in that case.

But then I thought about what everyone is looking for - the secret of a happy life. And this story is about the journey that it took to get there.

We will never be able to bring her back. Obviously. But we can take massive strides towards rebuilding a family that was once so strong, and bringing it back to a time when laughter really was the most valuable thing we had.

You will laugh and you will cry in equal measure, and hopefully somewhere along the way you will be inspired.

But what you could not do, no matter how you tried, is make any of this stuff up.

T.J. Humphries wrote this book following the suicide of his youngest daughter at the age of 28 after her suffering a harrowing decade of mental health issues and depression.

His words are designed to help parents in a similar position who feel it impossible to believe that, one day, there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

And those parents who may not realise that God is walking with them every step of the way along that tunnel.

Customer Reviews
10 reviews
10 reviews
  • Anonymous

    While reading it, it felt like we were just sitting and you were telling me a story.

    It was amazing! It was so moving - and a little closer to home personally than I was expecting.

    The writing style is so relaxed and conversational, and I loved it. I laughed and cried a LOT.

    I think you've handled a really difficult topic in such a human way, and your love for your family flows off the pages.

  • Damien Marcus

    Picked a copy of this book from the author. I am usually a slow reader and yet I flew through this book. It's a true story and you can't help but want to know more.
    Filled with humorous comments and quips, it was a joy to read from start to finish. I'm not trying to put in any spoilers as I want you to learn everything for yourselves, but I will say that you will feel a series of emotions as you read about Mr Humphries' life, love, beliefs and family. If I had any criticism of this book, it would be that there was room for so much more story to be told.

  • Steve hurst

    This book is amazing insight into so many people's lives. Picked it up then couldn't put it down until I had finished it. I would definitely recommend it

  • Steve ( a man of few words)

    A five-star book. It was absolutely amazing and written from the heart. I couldn't stop reading it from start to finish, and it spoke to me deeply on a personal level.

  • Declan

    He was totally in the depths of horrors of alcohol and was a lost soul. And I'm very happy and proud that he has come out of the other side. The free coffees and Cokes along the way were my way of letting the author know that he had a friend here if nothing else, and it is very important that people realise that the key to all these things is talking to other people. When I had my mental health issues and my own attempted suicide, I just bottled everything up. That is the worse thing that you could do. This book shows that a trouble shared is a trouble halved.

  • Daniel Taylor, Senior Football Writer, The Athletic

    YOU will laugh, and you will cry. And you will be grateful that TJ Humphries has the wit and gumption to write such a beautifully emotive book.

    Everyone deals with grief differently and the author has a wonderful knack to use his sense of humor as a form of a comfort blanket, I guess. That and his knowledge, as he explains in one of the more moving passages, that his beloved daughter does not have to suffer from the cruelties of mental health any longer.

    The result is a strangely uplifting book that can be a legacy for Anna in terms of helping other families who have had to endure a similar ordeal. Not everyone would have the gift to put such a deeply personal story into words but thank goodness for writers such as Humphries who recognize the importance of being open about these issues. It’s good to talk, as they always say – and nobody should ever forget that.

    I have huge respect, though, for the manner in which Humphries goes about it, often questioning himself, always open with his thoughts, occasionally acknowledging the odd mistake and, all the time, blessed with an old-fashioned gift of story-telling.

    For those of us who have never had to go through this kind of tragedy, there might be a tendency to think 'The Long Road to Freedom' is going to be a tough, unforgiving read. And in many ways, it is.

    Yet it is a story, ultimately, about love – a man’s love for his family, his wife, and his daughters.

    He wants you to laugh with him, too. He is opening his front door, pouring you a drink (a non-alcoholic one for himself), and making you feel at ease like all the best raconteurs do. It can all feel rather inspiring given the sadness that you know is in his heart.

    My guess is that he is writing this book for the greater good, to help others, to make Anna proud (which she will be - immensely), and ensure there will be a lasting meaning to her life, a permanent legacy.

    So many readers will take something positive from it. There is hope, even at the hardest points.

    So, yes, prepare to laugh, prepare to cry, and you have my word that you will come out of it with a sense of hope. RIP Anna, and thank you, TJ Humphries.

  • Jack

    Humphries writes a vivid account of his life with the usual wit acquired from his days as a journalist.
    Striking yet touching, the book offers the reader the chance to step inside its author's mind through the brilliant writing style.'
    Thanking you in advance,

  • Nikki Mckay

    The Long Road to Freedom by T.J. Humphries I found this little book to be a very honest account of sometimes terrifying and life-changing events.
    And the how the character and bravery of the author came through as a clear, hopeful voice.
    The expletives are a shock sometimes, next to religious insights, but that is the style of this author.
    And well worth the read to understand some of life’s merciless incidents. -

  • Malcolm Lamb, RAF Cranwell, Lincolnshire

    I am more of a fan of the spoken rather than the written word, due to my rather hectic lifestyle. However, after meeting the author, I decided to buy the book online and give it a go. I'm delighted I did as it was a good - if emotional - read from start to finish. I am not a particularly emotive person but, while reading this book, I have to admit I shed a tear or two. It was brave of the author to write such a book, and I hope to see it sell the number of copies that it deserves."

  • Paulo Piliero, footballer, Nottingham

    This is a fantastic book!!!!

    It is a chilling, honest and heart-breaking story. But a wonderful sense of humour is the attribute which helps the writer - and reader - to deal with the pain.

    Thank you again,

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