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The Magic of Mná-bookcover

By: Vanessa Schaefer

The Magic of Mná

Pages: 52 Ratings: 5.0
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This is the story of the witches that live hidden in the thickets of lush Irish greenery. They exist, hidden from humans, protecting nature. Sile is the youngest witch of her coven. Magic is not her strength and is often ridiculed for her lack of skill. When Banshees attack her coven, Sile finds herself the last remaining witch with powers.

The task of saving the coven lands on her. She must travel through space and time with her trusty cat, Shae, to collect ingredients for a potion. This potion and only this potion will return her sisters to their former, mighty, magical glory.

Each ingredient must be collected from inspirational, admirable, and often overlooked women throughout Irish history. Sile visits Queen Maebh, Red Aoife, Granuaile the Pirate Queen, famine hero Mary-Ann McCracken, Anna Parnell, Constance Markevicz, and Rosie Hackett to gather the ingredients.

On her journey, she learns a lot about strength, power, and determination, what it means to be a woman, and finds her confidence as a young witch.

Vanessa Schaefer is an Irish-German writer. She has a keen interest in female-focused stories fused with a touch of mysticism. While her focus has been on screenwriting, her short story ‘Seizing Bliss’ can be found in the ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ book Get Out of Your Comfort Zone.

Customer Reviews
1 reviews
1 reviews
  • Conor Schaefer

    This book is amazing! Full of Irish lore and perfectly fun!

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