Have Not Charity - Volume 1: Sins and Volume 2: Virtues
Have Not Charity is a fascinating and profound investigation into deep and important concepts which have become obscure in modern times: sin and virtue. Alexandr Korol examines what motivates people in their actions, how goals and behaviours align, and how these are all affected both for good and ill both by virtue and by sin. He seeks to show that many ‘good’ deeds are in fact motivated by sin.
This is a true modern work of ethics, in the classical sense, a guide for a better life. If you have ever hoped to gain a clearer and fuller understanding of how society and life work, this book will prove invaluable.
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Have You Seen This Bear?
What’s a boy to do when his teddy bear goes missing? He goes and looks for it, of course! Follow our hero as he investigates the disappearance of his closest companion and see if you can help find him. He’s out there somewhere.
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Step into the haunting world of Havoc: The Rise of Ɖavo, where the brutal war that gripped Croatia in 1991 is just the beginning of a genocidal wave that threatens humanity’s very existence. But one man has been planning for this all along. To him, the Battle of Vukovar and the spread of violence symbolize an imperfect world that needs to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. He sees himself as a hero, a psychopath, an invincible death machine, and the next messiah prophesized by religion.
Havoc is the continuing saga of Ɖavo, a man bound by addiction and taboo, and his journey through the darkest depths of the human psyche. It is a rollercoaster ride through nightmares and twilight dimensions, where demons and monsters lurk around every corner. As Ɖavo’s plan unfolds, he travels deeper into the horrors of his own mind and unleashes Hell on Earth.
This thought-provoking and exhilarating tour de force explores humanity’s failings and the path that leads us towards oblivion. It delves into one man’s journey and the heinous acts he embraces to put things right, with a mantra that dictates ‘no prisoners, death to all, spare no one.’ But as the demons grow restless and impatient, the plan risks spiraling out of control.
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Hazel and Oinky
Have you ever made a life-long friend in an unexpected place? Follow along with a little girl named Hazel as she goes on a magical adventure with a sweet new friend. Sometimes, adventure and friendship have a way of finding you when you least expect it but need it the most!
£3.50 -
He Was a Dead Man Walking
A case that captured a nation and crippled a community. This is the true story of a double homicide of two teenagers as told by Detective Russell Duplantis. Little did Detective Duplantis know how close to home this case would become. The year was 1977. The location was Iberia Parish Louisiana. The suspects were Elmo Patrick Sonnier and Eddie James Sonnier, two brothers that were serial rapists who one night became murderers. This was the first case to test the new death penalty laws established in the United States. Detective Duplantis has been haunted by this case for over forty years. It is only now that he decided to tell his story. A case that saw Eddie James Sonnier get life in prison and Elmo Patrick Sonnier get the death penalty and ultimately executed in the electric chair in 1984.
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Head in the Stratosphere
Let me keep you company in these pages. Take my palm and understand that in your hand you hold a piece of my soul, the most intimate part that allowed me to grow. Know that I write for us both and that you’re not on your own as we travel deeply into our unknown. Let me express for you what we both do not say and in that find our way through infinity toward divinity.
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Healthy Habits While Working from Home
A shift to at-home working may be one of the lesser side-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some will undoubtedly welcome longer lie-ins, saved commuting costs, and more time with loved ones. It may sound appealing, but WFH could have drastic consequences for your health.
A lack of social contact can take a huge toll on our mental well-being, with many relying on ‘water cooler chat’ to save them from the despair of loneliness. As if the emotional impact of WFH was not stark enough, unsupportive chairs and make-shift desks are leading to a rise in ‘tech neck,’ with muscular niggles becoming a daily ache.
Not to mention the stress of mixing home with work, and unhealthy snacks always being on hand! WFH may also make us couch potatoes, as the stroll to and from the station gets taken out of the equation. As if all that wasn’t enough, rolling from the bedroom to the boardroom – only to work into the evening – is a recipe for burn-out.
Healthy Habits While Working from Home provides practical, expert-led advice on how to stay physically and mentally well in a remote office while we adapt to the ‘new normal.’
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Heart over Time
Heart over Time encapsulates the sense of intrigue, of appointed times and of personal election that permeates the writer's work throughout. Marie Barrett's poetry and prose has a 'Jacob's ladder' type feel to it, the journey of life winding and rewinding itself with new revelations revealed in old themes. From her first book, The Witnesses, which was written under instructions from the words in a dream: ‘Write about your experiences in London and call the book The Witnesses.’ a follow-up to Over the Boundaries, in which a wide spectrum of emotions are confronted. In Heart over Time, eschatological concerns are particularly to the fore, stemming most poignantly from the recent death of her husband. The internal rhythms of the speech of her soul find a companion in nature and in the silent workings of the seasons and the universe and have a hypnotising effect that draws the reader in its wake to a state of shared metaphysical being.
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Heart to Let
Amy Spencer, the novel’s heroine, is a 20th-century Jane Eyre. Not born into a family of status or wealth, she nonetheless had a good education at a single-sex Grammar School near Elephant and Castle in London and an upbringing which enabled her to mix in the various strata of society she encounters in the changing and challenging world she lives in. Amy considers herself the equal, both socially and intellectually, of the men she meets and she succeeds in a profession steeped in tradition and precedent which is male-dominated when she enters it aged 23. But dear reader, does she marry her Mr Rochester? You will have to read the book to find out.
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Heart ’n’ Mind
This poetry book is based on a journey of struggle and hurt. The hope is that the words in here take you through the life journey of Sammy and that the words help anyone who has been through similar times, if not the same. Her aim for this poetry book was to create awareness that no one is ever alone and that there is always someone out there who has suffered in the same way you have.
Yes, the poetry in here is based on loss and violence suffered and for Sammy, writing this book is her way of saying, ‘You don’t have to hurt and suffer in pain alone, write it down and turn it into help for others.’
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Heartful Business
Heartful Business: Leading with the World in Mind is a provocation to everyone who’s a leader – to step up and join the battle to create a better world for all.And a battle it is. Governments and their leaders throw resources at problems for which they don’t have solutions, problems that keep growing and shapeshifting.The pressing need for a new leadership operating system for the world to survive, let alone thrive, is clear. We must solve the monumental problems facing our planet and humanity, for future generations to thrive. To do so will need a shift in how leaders lead as massive as the one we’re facing in our climate. The future isn’t just down to politicians. The challenge is too big. Business can lead the way - by fundamentally committing to help create a better world for all. A handful of leaders get this but not enough. The thing is business leaders are ill-equipped to do what’s needed. What’s needed is Conscious Leadership and practical actions that set a ‘greater good’ at the heart of the organisation’s purpose, vision, culture and day-in, day-out operations. It’s about a new form of leadership based on five essential principles of human life expressed through five core qualities. From heartfulness, to greater reflection, to intentionality, to presence, to leading with more feminine qualities (irrespective of gender), Heartful Business: Leading with the World in Mind, sets out the standard and practices for the new era of leadership that’s fit for our times – describing why a new form of leadership is needed, what form it needs to take and, crucially, how to develop the capability to lead in this way.At whatever level you lead, Heartful Business will help you become the legacy-building leader you want to be and, more important, the world needs.
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Only a few selected humans know aliens have already invaded Earth, and those who ignore the truth must be kept in ignorance. What would their reaction be? Would it trigger war? Nobody knows and nobody wishes to know, but the relationship held between both worlds slowly starts sinking into an unavoidable conflict.
Kyra’s identity is kept secret from humans. To them, she must appear normal and anonymous; be no one special, and act like everyone else. But despite her adaptability, her identity always pulls her back to her roots; she isn’t made to fit in a narrow-minded world, and the world isn’t ready to accept her.
The missions she must overcome to protect herself and preserve peace between both worlds constantly push her to her limits, slowly revealing her true origins. Will she save the world before it is too late? The countdown has already started.