Following Digital Footprints
Following digital footprints is a detective story with a difference. Different sections of a police force are investigating cases of hire car theft, credit card fraud and identity theft using traditional methods supported by ever more sophisticated IT systems. The criminals, meanwhile, become increasingly greedy but appear to be committing their crimes under the radar. The suspense builds, as the police build their case methodically and with the occasional element of luck. There are several twists and turns as the plot races towards a conclusion, and the reader can only wait and see whether the police or the criminals will succeed.David McCaddon has written an enthralling whodunnit by drawing on his many years of experience in law enforcement systems development working with police forces worldwide. The technical details are described with a light touch and this adds to the enjoyment of the novel. A satisfying read.
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Frédéric and the Bone Suckers
In France, in the last century, it was not easy to be a frog. Quite apart from the general Gallic urge to consume the legs of you and your friends, there existed a foul group called the Bone Suckers who actively hunted wild frogs and fed them up while devising cruel ways to enlarge those juicy legs. Then they ate you. There were also, of course, the frog circuses, which were all both fiercely competitive and also always on the lookout for new performers – they were not a particularly loveable bunch either. So you needed to be permanently on the alert, as enemies were never too far away. Imagine just how much worse yet your life might be if you had other personal problems too! Imagine that you were frightened of water! That would never happen, would it? To a frog? Well, you know, it isn’t impossible. Bone Suckers, frog circuses and water could make life pretty tricky for a 20th century frog.
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From Rehab to Life
Whether in or out of trouble, please say this serenity prayer on a daily basis: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." Thy will be done.
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George seemed to be a nice, easy-going individual. Dutiful, loyal and trustworthy. However, he was unable to communicate his true self to those about him. You see, he believed himself to be the real George. That’s to say, Saint George: Patron Saint of England, Slayer of Dragons, Rescuer of Damsels in Distress Par Excellence, and ... An All Round Good Egg!The heart of the problem was a simple one. This George was ... a dog!
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Haley-Ann the Alien
Do you believe in UFOs and Haley-Anns? From far beyond, in deepest space,Haley-Ann the alien, lived in a lonely place.This gave her an idea to go in search of a friend, Upon finding planet Earth, she decides to descend.Humphrey appears just as the morning sun rises,Who soon discovers that Haley-Ann is full of surprises!
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Henry Pugh's Wiggly Tooth
Henry Pugh’s wiggly tooth is firmly stuck and he is desperate for it to come out! Meanwhile a tooth fairy is impatiently waiting to collect the tooth…does she do anything to help? Henry and his friends come up with an exciting plan. How will Henry’s pesky tooth come out?
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Hopes, Dreams and Poetry in Between
My happiest feelings reside in my heart. It tells me daily: ‘Life is beautiful, trust it and it will display you its beauty.’ By doing so, I created my rhymes. I wish to share them. They started in Bosnia and are currently taking a place in Auckland, New Zealand. I truly enjoy its beauty and its sea breeze that I get to feel during my long walks. That is when I write the best, when I feel the breeze. It inspires me the most.Why do I write? To enrich the readers’ lives, remind them to embrace life and ‘the journey on earth’, to live each day the best they can. Who can guarantee us ‘tomorrow’?Go for a daily walk, even for just five minutes. You never know what you might see, who you may run into or what sort of a beauty nature might reveal to you…
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How to Buy Vintage Jewellery and Accessories
Delve into the beautiful world of vintage jewellery and accessories with this stunning guide. Learn how to seek and develop a unique 20th-century collection that will forever enrich your contemporary style. Also featuring a directory of New York’s best vintage markets and shows. This book is a must-read for any savvy fashionista.
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How To Photograph Garden Plants and Wildlife Through Four Seasons
Arnold Wilson is a professional biologist and an award-winning photographer, and both these skills are shown to their best advantage in How to Photograph Garden Plants and Wildlife through Four Seasons.As the title suggests, this book is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of garden photography throughout the year. Its early chapters discuss the technical intricacies of the camera and the many models currently available, before giving an impressively practical overview of the vital, but often misunderstood, subject of photographic composition.The next four chapters cover each of the seasons in turn, explaining what techniques to use to get the best out of flowers and other plants and how to produce appealing and unusual action shots of garden wildlife.Throughout, Arnold Wilson very much practises what he preaches. The book is illustrated with over 200 of his magnificent photographs – becoming, in effect, a showcase for the glories to be found in a British garden.How to Photograph Garden Plants and Wildlife through Four Seasons is an indispensable guide for every nature photographer, from aspiring to accomplished.
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Human Emotions
Each and everyone of us has our own human emotions. Days can be filled with happiness whereas other days can be full of sadness. The uniqueness of one’s emotions can very rarely be understood by others. It is really difficult if not impossible to tell others how you feel or for them to understand how you are feeling. I have tried in this book to cover the inner most boundaries of human emotions splitting my poems into different realms of human thought. Hope, fate and destiny, joy, life, the world, loneliness, love, regrets, religion and the future are all covered in this book. I hope the reader can relate to and understand my poems and bring some perspective and reasoning towards their life. We are all not the same and never can be but we all have a heart and soul. By identifying these moments of thought I hope I can bring perspective and understanding to the reader. I hope you enjoy my book.
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Humans Evolved, People Were Made
If you believe in God but recoil from the way some people think that science has the answer to everything, and that the theory of Natural Selection can account for people without the need for God, you will find this book informative and inspiring. While reading it you will learn about the relationship between science and theology. You will be informed about the development of evolutionary science, from Lamarck to the present. You will understand the limitations of science and that Natural Selection is thought to be less important now. You will become aware of the difference between humans and people. How it was that people’s fear of each other led to sedentism and agriculture ten thousand years ago. You will learn more about the work of Charles Darwin, including his genetic theory, Pangenesis, and the writing on evolution by his contemporaries, Wallace and Chambers.You will see how the words of the Bible can be aligned with the material record of archaeology and how the timeline of development of people is different from that of animals.You will be interested in the proposal that God made people by an upgrade of the human, which must have happened just before the migration out of Africa, about 65,000 year ago. Only God could have given the ancient humans a soul, language and the intellect and immortality which go with them. This changed them into the people we are now, to make one living creature that could talk to God.
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IELTS Topic Vocabulary: Essential Vocabulary for the Speaking and Writing Exams
This book is invaluable for all the students preparing for the IELTS exam. It contains essential topic-specific vocabulary for the exam, divided into 20 topics, as well as two separate sections on useful vocabulary for the writing exam, including collocations. There is also a section on idiomatic language that can be used in speaking exam. Exercises throughout the book reinforce the vocabulary so that it becomes active, enabling you to use it in the exam and boost your IELTS band score.