Amazing Book Review of Graham Bradshaw’s Love in Time

Amazing Book Review of Graham Bradshaw’s Love in Time

A review of Graham Bradshaw’s book of short stories ‘Love in Time’ was published in Chad on 18th May 2021. The review narrated, “Graham Bradshaw, who lives in Mansfield, has pieced together ‘Love In Time’, a book of six short stories about relationships in six successive decades, starting with the 1960s”. The review also covered in detail the journey of Graham Bradshaw as a writer. The complete review can be accessed here.


Love in Time is a collection of short stories which are about relationships and complications in life. While the times are changing and technology is taking over, there would always be a need to love and be loved. If you are fond of short stories and the idea of love, this book is a must-read for you. If you want to buy this book, you can click here.


Graham Bradshaw spent his early years in Nottingham. He worked as a journalist and currently resides in Mansfield with his wife Glenys.