Barnes & Noble hosted an Author Signing event for ‘The Kringles’
The Barnes & Noble Anchorage hosted a book signing ceremony that was arranged in regards to S. R. Forcia’s ‘The Kringles’. The author was present at the event for the promotion of her book.
This is children’s book about a very little and adorable mouse couple, Mr and Mrs Kringle, who is on a tour across the North Pole. They love to laugh and giggle side by side. They have a lot of fun on their adventures across the Wilderness of Alaska.
They see a lot of amazing things on their way, ranging from icebergs and polar bears to combat fishing and camping. Their Imaginatively enchanting tale is fun and magical as the sparkling auroras beneath the real North Pole.
The Kringles is a very amazing story which is filled with unlimited joy and many adventures as the mice make their way across the pole. Their collaboration is adorable as they find themselves in the midst of many humorous and lovely adventures.
S. R. Forcia lives in Arctic Tundra region in the state of Alaska. She lives with her beloved husband and two Holland Lops.
She is busy most of the time with travelling to her remote property, building her cabin or visiting many Native American villages for the purpose of child protection.
She and her husband both love their life of adventure.