Gladys Jean Leigh
Gladys Jean Leigh is a mother and grandmother, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Governance. Her career in the charity sector, working primarily with children and disability charities, has encouraged her passion in the engagement, safety, and support of the development of disabled and disadvantaged persons, and children. Through this, she has seen and experienced how the simplest of meaningful interactions in our daily lives can be hugely impactful. Listening and being there for each other, especially ‘non-verbal’ children with a disability as they develop and grow, can foster the feel-good feeling in each of us! It is this passion that has inspired her first book, Zuri Trilogy.
Zuri Trilogy is based on a compilation of conversations between her granddaughter Zuri and her family and friends.
Be prepared to go on a wondrous developmental journey with Zuri as she explores the world, learning and growing along the way.
Through the mind of a child you will smile, giggle and hopefully see the world anew.