Eugene Rosenberg
Eugene Rosenberg is Professor Emeritus at Tel Aviv University. He received his PhD in biochemistry at Columbia University. After postdoctoral research with Lord Todd in Cambridge, England, he became an associate professor of microbiology at UCLA. Since 1970, he has been a professor of microbiology at Tel Aviv University. He has published over 300 scientific articles and reviews, 15 books and 18 patents. He is a member of the American and European Academies of Microbiology. Rosenberg has received several awards, including a Guggenheim Fellowship, Pan Lab Award, Fogarty International Scholar of the NIH, and the Proctor & Gamble Award.
Ilana Zilber-Rosenberg is an independent scientist. She received her PhD in microbiology at Tel Aviv University. After performing postdoctoral research, she studied nutritional science, receiving a B.Sc. in Nutrition and a certification as a clinical nutritionist. Zilber-Rosenberg worked as a public health nutritionist and managed a mid-life Women’s Centre. She has published 30 scientific articles and four books, and in 2006 received her BA in Sociology. Since 2006, she has collaborated with Eugene Rosenberg on the hologenome concept of evolution. Together with Rosenberg, she received the Möbius Prize (Germany) for lifetime achievements in symbiosis.